Monday, October 13, 2008

Audrina Patridge, star of 'The Hills" was a victim of school bullying

Girls were always rude and catty to my sister and I. They will say anything to put you down and make themselves feel better. I had a few close guy friends and the girls didn't like it, so they would call me names and spread terrible rumors.

You just have to hold your chin up and take it as a compliment that certain people dedicate that much time and effort to talk about you. I don't think I'll ever stop experiencing that, I have just gotten better at understanding and dealing with it. (ANI)

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Whitney Thompson says flaws are what makes her different

I've learned to take my flaws and [realize] they're what make me different. I've got my mom's thighs, you know? Southern! My mom has big thighs; my grandmama has big thighs. God forbid I look like every other robot-cookie-cutter girl out there! You're going to find someone who loves your gian nose or thinks your skinny arms are great!

I think one of the things that really helped me most in middle school and high school as cutting tags out of my pants--that way, other girls couldn't say anything. When someone goes, "What size are those?" you can look and say, "I don't know." Wear what fits-it doesn't matter what the number is. Seventeen Magazine July '08

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Monday, June 16, 2008

Alicia Keys on the importance of getting in touch with your feelings

I have definitely been over
accommodating. It gets to the point where I'm not taking a second to ask, How am I feeling today? We have to listen to our feelings. But a lot of times you ignore them. You're busy, you're in school, you're working, trying to get into college, to make you mom happy, to be the best student you can be, to make your friends like you, to fit in. You don't want to disappoint anyone. But at some point you have to say, Enough! I can't be perfect.

A lot of times you don't really say what you mean because you're like, I don't want to hurt their feelings. I don't want to make them feel bad. But sometimes you have to just say, "I'm sorry if this hurts you. I'm not trying to hurt you, but this is what I feel." I've also worked on becoming more independent-becoming more selfish. Not selfish in a bad way; selfish in the "you need some you time" way.

I think at one time I was so bent on being just one way that I didn't allow myself to explore the many ways I can be or express myself. I've learned to embrace the many sides of myself. And there are so many sides to who I am. I have the more delicate side. I have the rougher, tougher tomboy side. I have the bohemian, '70s retro side. I have the more glamorous side. I have the more feminine side. There are so many sides to who you are. So now I'm just so much more open to trying new things. And it feels good. Seventeen Magazine July '08

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Christina Applegate on being kind to yourself

I've seen things written that are really hurtful to me and very painful. I like to look on our ABC blog for feedback on the show. It is supposed to be [a place for people] to talk about the episodes, not about whether I look old. I had one person say I needed to start wearing a bra, and now all I'm doing is thinking about my boobs and if they're saggy. But I just think, Oh, c'mon, Christina! You have to let go and know who you really are. I don't mind my flaws. When you're younger, it feels like the end of the world if you make a mistake or if you have a zit. Now it's like, Who cares? Just try to be happy. Be kind to yourself. Be kind to other people. Do good work. Be professional. All those things are really important.

I'm a big yes-I-will-do-whatever-you-want, people pleasing person, which I think is left over from my youth. I grew up really quickly. I had to be incredibly responsible and show up to work on time and be focused and clear. But now I know what's going to push me too hard, and I don't want to be taken advantage of. In this business, you're treated like you're a superwoman who can do everything, and you can't. You've got to be able to take time for yourself. So I definitely try to say 'No' more. Recently, one of my friends said, 'You need to get out of your house.' But why? I've got everything I need here. I have my animals. I have a refrigerator. I have my pool. My favorite thing to do is play with my dogs and cats. I think it's important to have time to reflect and be quiet and just think. I enjoy my alone time. Self Magazine Apr 2008

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Thursday, May 01, 2008

Taylor Swift says just because you look perfect doesn't mean you feel perfect

"Tied Together With a Smile" is about a girl I knew my freshman year. She was absolutely Miss Popular, a pageant girl, and she looked perfect every day! Always had the cutest outfits, always looked the best at prom. But sometimes when you get a little closer to people who look that perfect, you realize that they don't feel perfect. They feel like they're ugly. And that's what happened with this girl--I became closer friends with her, and one day she confessed that she was bulimic.

Everybody looks in the mirror and is like, I wonder why her eyes are huge and mine are smaller. But I realized that if you're lucky enough to be different from everybody else, don't change. Seventeen Magazine/June '08

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Monday, April 28, 2008

Patrick Dempsey says no one has it all together

It's good to have your ego burned. I'm not afraid to fail even in public. It's too easy to pretend you have it together, because no one does. The more you can allow yourself to make mistakes, the better off you're going to be. That's what life is about. You're going to get thrown off, and you just need to get back on.

I was dyslexic, so I never had the skills for school. By listening to books on tape, going to lectures or watching documentaries and finding out how I need to learn, that's when my education began. I had a hunger for learning and was constantly seeking to improve myself. Parade Magazine, April 27, '08

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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Amanda Bynes' advice on breakups & perfection

I've only been through one really bad breakup. I was with the person for six months and he was seeing someone on the side--and it broke my heart. But I realized the guy's a jerk, and I don't need him if he's not going to care about me. I try to think positively because I think it's bad to harvest negative stuff in your heart.

I know I'm not perfect and I think I have made a bunch of mistakes. People get fixated on thinking, This is who I am and I cannot change. You can't say, I hate myself. You can say, That's not who I want to be. There's that song "Suddenly I see" by KT Tunstal--in it, there's this line that says, "Suddenly I see/This is what I wanna be." And I just love that line because you're not perfect all the time--so change it tomorrow. And every morning you wake up and you decide who you want to be. Seventeen Magazine/May '08
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