Friday, February 01, 2008

Justin Timberlake on Sexiness

Sexy…is the way you carry what you have. I have a big nose, but I rock it. And therefore I think my big nose is sexy. I'm kidding. Sexy is a walk. Sexy isn't the clothes you wear, it's the way you wear them. Sexy is how you own your power. Jane Oct '06

When asked about his ideal girl checklist, Justin said, "Confidence is sexy to me. She must have confidence. It always attracts me. I like girls who are comfortable with themselves and have a good sense of humor. Pretty is cool, but it's not really about looks for me, it's more about personality. I like when a woman takes charge and does not just agree with everything I like -- that's boring. If a girl has self-esteem and confidence, it definitely shows. That's the most attractive thing in the world." TWIST Apr. '04

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