Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Christina Applegate on being kind to yourself

I've seen things written that are really hurtful to me and very painful. I like to look on our ABC blog for feedback on the show. It is supposed to be [a place for people] to talk about the episodes, not about whether I look old. I had one person say I needed to start wearing a bra, and now all I'm doing is thinking about my boobs and if they're saggy. But I just think, Oh, c'mon, Christina! You have to let go and know who you really are. I don't mind my flaws. When you're younger, it feels like the end of the world if you make a mistake or if you have a zit. Now it's like, Who cares? Just try to be happy. Be kind to yourself. Be kind to other people. Do good work. Be professional. All those things are really important.

I'm a big yes-I-will-do-whatever-you-want, people pleasing person, which I think is left over from my youth. I grew up really quickly. I had to be incredibly responsible and show up to work on time and be focused and clear. But now I know what's going to push me too hard, and I don't want to be taken advantage of. In this business, you're treated like you're a superwoman who can do everything, and you can't. You've got to be able to take time for yourself. So I definitely try to say 'No' more. Recently, one of my friends said, 'You need to get out of your house.' But why? I've got everything I need here. I have my animals. I have a refrigerator. I have my pool. My favorite thing to do is play with my dogs and cats. I think it's important to have time to reflect and be quiet and just think. I enjoy my alone time. Self Magazine Apr 2008

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Thursday, May 01, 2008

Taylor Swift says just because you look perfect doesn't mean you feel perfect

"Tied Together With a Smile" is about a girl I knew my freshman year. She was absolutely Miss Popular, a pageant girl, and she looked perfect every day! Always had the cutest outfits, always looked the best at prom. But sometimes when you get a little closer to people who look that perfect, you realize that they don't feel perfect. They feel like they're ugly. And that's what happened with this girl--I became closer friends with her, and one day she confessed that she was bulimic.

Everybody looks in the mirror and is like, I wonder why her eyes are huge and mine are smaller. But I realized that if you're lucky enough to be different from everybody else, don't change. Seventeen Magazine/June '08

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