Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Whitney Thompson says flaws are what makes her different

I've learned to take my flaws and [realize] they're what make me different. I've got my mom's thighs, you know? Southern! My mom has big thighs; my grandmama has big thighs. God forbid I look like every other robot-cookie-cutter girl out there! You're going to find someone who loves your gian nose or thinks your skinny arms are great!

I think one of the things that really helped me most in middle school and high school as cutting tags out of my pants--that way, other girls couldn't say anything. When someone goes, "What size are those?" you can look and say, "I don't know." Wear what fits-it doesn't matter what the number is. Seventeen Magazine July '08

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Monday, June 16, 2008

Alicia Keys on the importance of getting in touch with your feelings

I have definitely been over
accommodating. It gets to the point where I'm not taking a second to ask, How am I feeling today? We have to listen to our feelings. But a lot of times you ignore them. You're busy, you're in school, you're working, trying to get into college, to make you mom happy, to be the best student you can be, to make your friends like you, to fit in. You don't want to disappoint anyone. But at some point you have to say, Enough! I can't be perfect.

A lot of times you don't really say what you mean because you're like, I don't want to hurt their feelings. I don't want to make them feel bad. But sometimes you have to just say, "I'm sorry if this hurts you. I'm not trying to hurt you, but this is what I feel." I've also worked on becoming more independent-becoming more selfish. Not selfish in a bad way; selfish in the "you need some you time" way.

I think at one time I was so bent on being just one way that I didn't allow myself to explore the many ways I can be or express myself. I've learned to embrace the many sides of myself. And there are so many sides to who I am. I have the more delicate side. I have the rougher, tougher tomboy side. I have the bohemian, '70s retro side. I have the more glamorous side. I have the more feminine side. There are so many sides to who you are. So now I'm just so much more open to trying new things. And it feels good. Seventeen Magazine July '08

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