Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Jessica Simpson talks about acne

JESSICA SIMPSON, in the August '05 issue of Twist, said, "I didn't start feeling comfortable in my own skin until I was 20. I just had so much build up and so many clogged pores. As a celebrity, fans expect to see something perfect in person, and when they come face-to-face with you - without airbrushing - and you have acne problems, it's embarrassing. If you're a bit overweight you can wear a baggy sweatshirt and feel better about yourself, but skin is a huge part of your self-esteem. It's something you can't hide. Natural beauty is really happiness with who you are. If you like who you are on the inside, that'll come through on the outside."
In the June '05 issue of Cosmopolitan, Jessica said, "You're never going to look perfect to yourself even if you might look perfect to somebody else. The thing I've had to learn the most is to accept compliments and steer away from all the negativity. I mean there were [magazine] covers of me saying that I was anorexic! That my ribs were sticking out! Yeah, my ribs are sticking out. My ribs stuck out before. I have a huge rib cage, which is why I can hold a note until I'm blue in the face...because I have such a huge lung capacity. I've learned that it's okay to have big dreams and not be embarrassed and apologize for it. Everyone should go after their passions. And be positive towards others' dreams as well as their own. A lot of people can feel shy about what they really want to do, and it did take a while for me to say, 'You know what? I do want to do this."

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