Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Read what Jesse McCartney has to say about trying to fit in

JESSE McCARTNEY - "When I got to high school, I was very thrown by the change and I did a lot of things to fit in. You know, partying and driving fast to impress people. It was all fun and games until the night my friend was in a car accident. He was partying just like us and riding in fast cars just like us. But he was killed. Suddenly I saw everything differently. I realized I was doing things I didn't want to do to please other people. I said to myself, 'This is not right. I don't need to please anybody. I need to make sure what I'm doing is right in my eyes and in God's eyes.' After that, I totally did not care what anyone thought of me. And guess what? I started making lots more friends than when I was doing the wrong things to be popular and cool. For the first time in my life, I had lots of real friends just by being myself." Source: Oct/Nov '04 Sweet 16

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