Christina Ricci claims she was ugly.
CHRISTINA RICCI - in Movieline magazine said “I got ugly. Throughout my childhood, my favorite [rejection] was: ’She looks too healthy.’ They wanted that really gaunt, runaway girl kind of look. I was, like, ‘Mom, I thought you could never be too healthy.’ She (Christina’s mom) said, ‘Ignore them.’”
In Interview magazine Christina said, “I was really fat for a year. I was ugly. People would come up to me in the street and say, ‘Weren’t you Wednesday in The Addams Family? God, you’ve gotten so fat.’ I felt I was a separate person from the person they were talking about, and I’d want to take them aside and scold them: ‘You can’t talk to me like that.’ Being overweight made it so hard for me to get films. I didn’t work for a year because of it, and it was devastating.”In the April '05 issue of Elle Girl, Christina said, "As a teenager, I didn't like to look in mirrors. I'd put collages and stuff over them; left the lights off in the bathroom. Those are the years when I feel like you hate yourself or love yourself."
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