Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Ryan Cabrera a Dork? Says who?

RYAN CABRERA - in the April issue of Twist said, "Before, I was just a dork, but now I'm a dork with a guitar. For some reason, people like that a lot more!" For more cool info go to www.HeyUGLY.org

Alicia Keyes talks about acne

ALICIA KEYS - Here's what Alicia said about her struggles with acne: "It felt crazy. When you're in high school, somebody might say something [about acne] and hurt your feelings. Well, imagine the entire world looking at you, constantly scrutinizing your face. I felt really hurt. I knew that you shouldn't base your [self-esteem] on your physical appearance, so I tried to convince myself that I shouldn't worry about it, but inside I felt like everyone was attacking me. It wasn't easy at all, but I finally realized that I'm beautiful on the inside regardless of a couple bumps here and there. Who Cares?" Source: Nov '05 TeenPeople
In the Oct '05 issue of Allure she said about society prizing thin legs, ".....I have big everything on the bottom but I love my legs. You've got to love what's yours." For more cool info go to www.heyugly.org.

Jessica Biel struggles with body image? No way!

JESSICA BIEL - In the July '05 edition of Cosmopolitan, Jessica said when asked if she ever struggled with body-image issues, "I struggle with it every day. Shooting the bikini scene [in Stealth] was stressful. Everyone has areas they're not comfortable with, and mine are my bum, thighs, and legs. So having those areas exposed...it was like, 'Okay, I'm gonna try to be cool with it." When asked about what type of guy she likes she said, "I love somebody who can make me laugh and be a goofball. I think it's incredibly sexy if a guy can look uncool and completely not care."

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Seth Green gives the skinny on being short

SETH GREEN - who plays Scott Evil in the Austin Powers movies and Oz on Buffy the Vampire Slayer said in the cool book Got Issues Much? … "I'm five feet four inches now and as you can guess, I've always been short. Shorter than most of the boys in my class and shorter even than some of the girls. That became glaringly apparent early on, because I was also a year accelerated, in with kids a year older than I. So not only was I the smallest, I was also the youngest. To the other kids, I also had a funny name. They'd call me Death instead of Seth. It didn't help that I didn't play athletics at school."

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Jessica Simpson talks about acne

JESSICA SIMPSON, in the August '05 issue of Twist, said, "I didn't start feeling comfortable in my own skin until I was 20. I just had so much build up and so many clogged pores. As a celebrity, fans expect to see something perfect in person, and when they come face-to-face with you - without airbrushing - and you have acne problems, it's embarrassing. If you're a bit overweight you can wear a baggy sweatshirt and feel better about yourself, but skin is a huge part of your self-esteem. It's something you can't hide. Natural beauty is really happiness with who you are. If you like who you are on the inside, that'll come through on the outside."
In the June '05 issue of Cosmopolitan, Jessica said, "You're never going to look perfect to yourself even if you might look perfect to somebody else. The thing I've had to learn the most is to accept compliments and steer away from all the negativity. I mean there were [magazine] covers of me saying that I was anorexic! That my ribs were sticking out! Yeah, my ribs are sticking out. My ribs stuck out before. I have a huge rib cage, which is why I can hold a note until I'm blue in the face...because I have such a huge lung capacity. I've learned that it's okay to have big dreams and not be embarrassed and apologize for it. Everyone should go after their passions. And be positive towards others' dreams as well as their own. A lot of people can feel shy about what they really want to do, and it did take a while for me to say, 'You know what? I do want to do this."

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Nick Lachey deals with self-consciousness

NICK LACHEY, in the December '04 issue of Cosmopolitan says, "We're really self-conscious about our flaws. My nose is big...it looks like a potato. And I used to have bad skin. I still don't have great skin, but I used to break out a lot."

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Jennifer Aniston is beautiful but she doesn't think so

JENNIFER ANISTON - in the May '05 issue of Glamour magazine Jennifer Aniston said, "I don't feel beautiful all the time. The majority of the time, I don't."

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Vince Vaughn shy?

VINCE VAUGHN, in the July 2004 issue of Seventeen, Vince Vaughn is quoted as saying ".....In high School, I was painfully shy around girls, especially if I didn't know a girl -- there was no way I was going up to her, even though I was just awkward. But moving out here, and not being in college, I had no choice. When you're in school, you can play the I'm-not-that-interested guy because you're going to see them the whole year. But out here you only get one moment in time -- and you've got to use it."

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Did Angelina Jolie really feel unattractive?

ANGELINA JOLIE - in Teen People magazine said, "I've often felt unattractive or different looking. As I've grown up, I've felt more comfortable in my own skin. It may sound cliche, but when you feel beautiful and strong on the inside, it shows on the outside."

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Cellulite on Reese Witherspoon?

REESE WITHERSPOON, in the December '04 issues of TWIST magazine said, "I have cellulite. I have stretch marks. I feel intimidated by Victoria's Secret. Hollywood is one of those endless competitions, but it's like running a race toward nothing. There's no winning. You're never going to win the pretty race. I just want to be the best version of myself that I can be."

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Not the coolest kid in school, Clay Aiken decided to just ...

In Teen People magazine, Clay Aiken said: "Around 10th grade, I think I just decided I was going to be myself. I still wasn't the coolest person in school, but I was happier with myself and I had confidence and I started to become more popular. By 12th grade I was set. I still looked kind of dorky, but I was totally in. People feel comfortable around someone who is comfortable with himself."

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Imagine Adam Brody being turned by girls ...???

ADAM BRODY - in the May '05 issue of Teenpeople said when asked about what his biggest flaw was said, "The biggest one is that I don't think I'm ever quite enough"

In the July '05 issue of Cosmopolitan, he said, "I've been turned down by girls I've approached more times than I care to admit."

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Should Eva Mendes fix her overbite?

EVA MENDES - In the May 9 issue of People, said, "I have the hugest ... overbite. It's so big, my older brothers and sisters used to call me Bugs. I looked like a bottle opener. But I've never fixed my bite because it's one of the things that makes me me. I used to get teased about the mole on my left cheek. In junior high the other kids would say, 'You've got some chocolate on your face,' and I fell for it every time. I said, 'The minute I turn 18 I'm going to get that mole removed!' But I'm happy I didn't. My best feature is my big hips. I've got some nice childbearing hips, and I feel very proud of them. When I was younger I thought they were too big. I wanted to be slimmer. But now I totally embrace them."

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Alexis Bledel talks about people wanting her to lose weight

ALEXIS BLEDEL - "When I was modeling as a teenager...I just ignored it when people said to lose two inches off my hips. I had more jobs than I could take. So why would I even want more?" Source: Oct 24, '05 US Weekly

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Wanna know what Matthew McConaughey likes?

MATTHEW McCONAUGHEY - in the Sept '05 issue of In Style, Matthew said, "I love a woman who's comfortable in her skin."

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Learn what Paul Walker thinks

PAUL WALKER - when asked what kind of girls he likes in the Oct '05 issue of Cosmogirl, Paul said, "I like people who are positive. Not in a naive way. It's got to be cemented in reality and you've got to know what's going on. But to choose to take it and spin it and flip it and to remain positive and have a good outlook on things. I think that's really attractive. Spontaneity, too, is really attractive. Responsibility is good, but you've still got to be willing to drop and go."

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Kelly Rowland offers great advice

KELLY ROWLAND - "If you don't respect yourself the way you should - if you don't realize your own value and worth - then somebody else will see that and take advantage of it." Source: March '05 CosmoGirl

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Amanda Bynes advises you to know how good you are

AMANDA BYNES - "Way too many girls think they aren't good enough, and they end up losing their virginity to gross guys. Know how good you are. Be more sure of yourself. I think a lot of girls don't realize until they're older, like, 'Wow, I wasn't that bad.'" Source: Oct '05 Cosmogirl

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Topher Grace advises teens to do what scares them

TOPHER GRACE,in the November '04 issue of Cosmo Girl said, ".....In high school I was skinny, but really short too -- I like to think that girls wanted to like me, but couldn't because of that.""Every teenager should find something that scares them [and do it]. If you're into sports, try out for a play; if you're into pottery, try out for football. If I'd been scared to try out for '70s, I wouldn't have made all these great friends and had such a great time and learned about this whole other side of myself."

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Who called Jason Mraz a dork?

JASON MRAZ - in the Oct '05 issue of Ellegirl, Jason talks about being a nerd in high school. He asked a girl out once and she said, "But, Jason, you're such a dork!" Jason's advice: "Don't attempt to be someone you're not. By the time everyone's done trying to be cool, you're left with two people who aren't really compatible in the first place. It's the nerds who are gonna grow up to be in the really successful, small bands and to run their own companies. Because nerds don't get as much attention from girls when they're younger, they respect it more."

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Minnie Driver's opinion of herself when she was younger

MINNIE DRIVER in the February 28, '05 issue of In Touch said, "I was an ugly cow when I was younger."

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Lindsay Lohan gives advice to those suffering from Mean Girls

LINDSAY LOHAN - in the August '05 issue of Teenpeople, her advice to teenage girls who have been through real life Mean Girls situations ... "Just ignore it or be really nice [when they're mean to you], because if you're mean, it's just going to make things more difficult-people will feed off that. The more mature you are about the situation and the more you let it go, the easier it is to just be happy with yourself. Just exude confidence and surround yourself with people who aren't going to be like that. [Even] if there are negative people, you don't want negative energy around you. Life's too short."

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Mark Ruffalo talks about being made fun of in high school.

MARK RUFFALO - "When I was in high schoo, I had cystic acne and was a little overweight. People made fun of my last name all the time: Buffalo Breath, Buffalo Fart, Buffalo Lips. It was an ongoing buffalo joke. Source: Oct 3 '05 People
In the Oct 17 '05 issue of US, Mark said, ".....people knew me as a loser in a 1972 Dodge Dart with the bumper literally duct-taped to the body."

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Wanna know what Seann William Scott likes?

SEANN WILLIAM SCOTT - "I tend to go for women with common sense. Being down-to-earth stands out more than physical looks." Source: August '05 Cosmopolitan

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Misti Traya tells how to start loving your hair

MISTI TRAYA - "I have seriously unruly curls. To make matters worse, I was born in Hawaii, where humidity is not a curly-headed person's friend. Now I've learned how to manage my curls or blow them straight. These days, I think I have the best hair in the world because I've learned how versatile it can be."

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Kate Winslet taunted for being overweight

KATE WINSLET, in the March 7 issue of US magazine, Kate said classmates taunted the overweight Winslet by calling her Blubber. She has said she was "mentally bullied. ".....I would just sit there and think, 'Let this make you stronger.'

In the July '05 issue of Vogue, Kate said, "When I was a teenager, I was very overweight. I was 190 pounds when I was sixteen. And as an actress I wanted to play Alice in Alice in Wonderland ... And, so, over the coure of a year, I very, very sensibly lost the majority of the weight. I changed the way I thought about food and my body."

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What does Zooey Deschanel feel more comfortable in each year?

ZOOEY DESCHANEL - "I think every year I become happier because I become more comfident and more comfortable in my own skin." Source: June '05 Cosmopolitan

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Brad Pitt gives advice on how a girl can catch his eye.

BRAD PITT - in a recent issue of Teen People a reporter asked Brad Pitt the following question ... When you were in high school, how did a girl catch your attention? Brad Pitt responded: It's a misconception that a girl has to do something to catch a guy's attention. It just happens. There are no tricks. In fact, when you have to get tricky, it's not worth it. You know what makes a guy take notice? If you don't let him disrespect you. If some guy makes a stupid remark and a girl doesn't let it get to her because she knows who she is - then she's won.The reporter then asked Brad ...What advice would you give teens about resisting peer pressure? He replied: I'm probably the wrong person to ask. I believe in exploration-but smart exploration, not dangerous. If you're feeling pressured to try certain things that don't feel right to you, go with your gut instincts. It'll never steer you wrong.

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Jesse Metcalfe explains the type of girl he likes

JESSE METCALFE, from the hit series, Desperate Housewives, said in the November 29, '04 issue of US Weekly, "I like a girl who is confident, intelligent, likes to have fun, is open to experiencing new things and is into music."

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Matt Damon's advice about relationships

MATT DAMON, when asked ".....what' something you've learned about relationships?" in the November 2004 issue of Cosmo Men, Matt Damon said, "It's just better to be yourself than to try to be some version of what you think the other person wants."

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Nelly talks about self-consciousness

NELLY - in the August '04 issue of TWIST, Nelly says a girl has to be confident to win him over. ".....Self-conscious people tend to throw things off because when you're around them, you become uncomfortable, too. You become scared of saying something that might affect their vibe. If someone can laugh at themselves, you know you're going to be able to get along with them."

In the May '05 issue of Cosmogirl, Nelly said, "I think the real role models to teens shouldn't necessarily be athletes or entertainers or artists. They should be people in your community, people who you can talk to when you have a problem. People you can see on a daily basis and watch how they carry themselves. Because if you look up to entertainers or athletes, all you're seeing is their success. when I was in school, I couldn't call Michael Jordan and be like, 'Yo, Mike, I'm thinking of not going to school today because I didn't study-what do you think? Kids can't call Nelly and be like, 'Yo, what should I do? "

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Drew Barrymore shares her secrets.

DREW BARRYMORE, in the January issue of Elle, Drew Barrymore is quoted as saying, "I think happiness is a choice. I believe luck is your attitude. It sounds like a really annoying bumper sticker. But there is such a great truth in that. You choose how you want to feel about what happens to you. I could have been a miserable failure. I haven't had anybody looking over me, and I've found my own way through optimistic exploration and fire-burning mistakes. I am a very happy person with an extraordinary life, so I must be doing a lot of things right. I really believe when you peel away the layers, the worlds is a beautiful place filled with beautiful people."
In an article in the February 23 issue of People magazine, Drew Barrymore, when asked about her life after the house fire and the demise of her marriage to Tom Green said, ".....All of a sudden I was free to be exactly who I wanted to be rather than who I thought I had to be for anyone else or anything else." Did you know that Drew was called "Fatso" by the boys when she was in school? Yes she was. When asked about her wild days of drinking she said, ".....I'd been suffocating myself with trying to be such a good person that I realized I was making myself miserable." ".....I can feel beautiful on the inside-and I can tell that shows on the outside. It's amazing to me."

In the March 2004 issue of Glamour, Drew Barrymore said, ".....Maybe it's different for every person, but my personal downfall in a relationship is losing a sense of myself, getting too involved in their world and their opinions and their lifestyle. I always have to struggle to be my own person, whether it's as stupid as what I like to eat for breakfast or as big as how to conduct myself as an individual. What's saving me in this relationship is the fact that I feel like I'm remaining my own person." She also said, ".....If we could just admit our faults, at least we could be human. I think what became more important to me was not how other people saw me but how I saw myself. I do run a company. I am consistent at work. My bosses think that I will show up on time, and I'm reliable to them. I can respect myself. That ended up becoming the important journey for me. And, of course, I'll always be a bit of a ridiculous clown, 'cause I just can't help it.When Drew was the featured guest on "In The Actor's Studio" she said: I think that it is so important to believe in yourself and believe in your empowerment and not wait for someone to rescue you and do it for you. That you can go out there and create it all for yourself.

In the May '05 issue of Teenpeople, Drew said, "During my teen years ... I was awkward; I had braces; I was overweight. I was always teased. It's so funny because it's always those kids who get beaten up in school who end up triumphing. It's almost like you need that to build character-even though it's painful to go through it.

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Keira Knightley talks guys and body image

KEIRA KNIGHTLEY, in the December '04 issue of TWIST said, "I think I always disappoint people, because they always expect someone very pretty. Very done. There's so much pressure to be thin, blonde and busty. I'm skinny, but even I couldn't fit into some of the clothese there (in L.A.)!" In a funny kind of way, I think you create it yourself. I think it's much better to go with the flow and embrace your body, whatever shape it is, and just be happy." When asked what's her type-charming Keira said: 'What I look for in a guy is that, if he can make me laugh, it doesn't matter what he looks like. Humor and talent are such attractive qualities."

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Christina Ricci claims she was ugly.

CHRISTINA RICCI - in Movieline magazine said “I got ugly. Throughout my childhood, my favorite [rejection] was: ’She looks too healthy.’ They wanted that really gaunt, runaway girl kind of look. I was, like, ‘Mom, I thought you could never be too healthy.’ She (Christina’s mom) said, ‘Ignore them.’”

In Interview magazine Christina said, “I was really fat for a year. I was ugly. People would come up to me in the street and say, ‘Weren’t you Wednesday in The Addams Family? God, you’ve gotten so fat.’ I felt I was a separate person from the person they were talking about, and I’d want to take them aside and scold them: ‘You can’t talk to me like that.’ Being overweight made it so hard for me to get films. I didn’t work for a year because of it, and it was devastating.”In the April '05 issue of Elle Girl, Christina said, "As a teenager, I didn't like to look in mirrors. I'd put collages and stuff over them; left the lights off in the bathroom. Those are the years when I feel like you hate yourself or love yourself."

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Who made Neve Campbell feel ugly?

NEVE CAMPBELL - in Sassy magazine said … "The boys wrote a song about all the girls in the (ballet) class, ranking them from prettiest to ugliest." The last verse, "Neve-aagh!" was reserved for her. "It was about how ugly I was," she said.

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Kelly Clarkson speaks out about low self-esteem

KELLY CLARKSON when asked if she ever had low self-esteem Kelly said, ".....In junior high, I had glasses and braces, my face was broken out and I was chubby. Everything was bad! I begged my mom for contacts. We didn't have much money, but she finally set me up to get some. It's little things like contacts that help people feel more comfortable inside and out. I finally didn't have to worry about glares on stage or about my glasses slipping when I played sports." The reporter asked Kelly if there was anything else that helped her feel more comfortable in her own skin. She said, ".....I was always involved and always doing stuff. I did sports, drama, choir and I was also in senior council. Exercise and staying active always makes me feel great." They also asked her if her self-esteem suffered when she watched herself on TV during American Idol. She said, "I'm petite but I was the biggest girl on my season-everyone else weighed 100 pounds. Reporters would ask, 'So what's it like being a big girl?' and I thought, 'Big? What?" It was like, 'Wait, what am I doing wrong?' Luckily, I had a great mom and dad who helped me grow up feeling comfortable in my own skin. I have a curvy figure, which guys like. And performing isn't about looking the best or being the most beautiful. I do it because I love it. Look, nobody else has my butt. Nobody has my eyes. Nobody has my nose. It's all mine. And that's what makes me different from everyone." Source: TWIST magazine September '04

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Read how Live Tyler refused to submit to others

LIV TYLER - in the February 2004 issue of Glamour said, ".....I've been told if I lose weight, I'd have more work, but I refuse to submit [to that]. To the rest of the world I'm slim, and I like the way I am."

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Read what Jesse McCartney has to say about trying to fit in

JESSE McCARTNEY - "When I got to high school, I was very thrown by the change and I did a lot of things to fit in. You know, partying and driving fast to impress people. It was all fun and games until the night my friend was in a car accident. He was partying just like us and riding in fast cars just like us. But he was killed. Suddenly I saw everything differently. I realized I was doing things I didn't want to do to please other people. I said to myself, 'This is not right. I don't need to please anybody. I need to make sure what I'm doing is right in my eyes and in God's eyes.' After that, I totally did not care what anyone thought of me. And guess what? I started making lots more friends than when I was doing the wrong things to be popular and cool. For the first time in my life, I had lots of real friends just by being myself." Source: Oct/Nov '04 Sweet 16

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Mariah Carey felt ugly in high school

MARIAH CAREY, in the June 5 issue of Parade, said, "It's embarrassing to say, 'I felt really ugly in school today. My hair was in knots.' You grow up looking at Sixteen Candles and wanting to be the popular girl. You look at the other kids and think, 'Where do I fit?' I felt like an outcast. The fear, the sense of inadequacy, the feeling of not being fully accepted-I felt all of that."

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Find out who teased Brandy in high school

BRANDY – in People magazine Brandy said the teachers were not sending her on auditions “… ‘Because you’re not drop-dead gorgeous.’ My heart just dropped.” In US Magazine she said, “In elementary [school] girls teased me because I was so skinny and I wasn’t that pretty. They pulled my hair and tried to jump me after school. In junior high, people hated me; they thought I was trying to show off. I used to try to buy friendships with my lunch money. It was awful for me.”

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Hayden Christensen likes a girl who ...

HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN, in the June issue of IN STYLE, said, "I like a girl who doesn't put style before comfort. I like natural, unmade-up look - a girl who is comfortable not only in her clothes but in her own skin."

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Cameron Diaz hated her body when she was a kid.

CAMERON DIAZ – “When I was growing up, I hated my body, I was extremely, extremely skinny as a child – for years I was seventy-nine pounds, and much taller than everyone else. When I was in junior high, people thought I was sick. They used to call me Skeletor, or Skinny Bones Jones and all those other horrible names.”

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Wanna know what Justin Timberlake thinks is attractive?

JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE - in the April 2004 issue of Twist magazine in an item about Justin Timberlake's Ideal Girl Checklist, Justin said, ".....Confidence is sexy to me. She must have confidence. It always attracts me. I like girls who are comfortable with themselves and have a good sense of humor. Pretty is cool, but it's not really about looks for me, it's more about personality. I like when a woman takes charge and does not just agree with everything I like -- that's boring. If a girl has self-esteem and confidence, it definitely shows. That's the most attractive thing in the world."

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Who called Taye Digges a nerd?

TAYE DIGGES, in the April '05 issue of Jane, said, "There was an incident where I was playing softball in gym class, and I went up to bat and the pitcher was a more popular kid in school. As he was pitching, he screamed out to the rest of the players on the field, "Nerd!" three times in a row, as loud as he could."

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SANDRA BULLOCK, in the March '05 issue of Vogue, Sandra admits to having had a rough time growing up. "I hated my whole childhood, hated it, hated it, hated it. There was no place for me. I was not accepted here. I was noticeably different. I was awkward. I was in the wrong clothes. I would get the sh_t kicked out of me constantly. My mother would be like, 'That's ridiculous. Why would anyone do that?' I'm coming home with my hair a mess, crying. Finally a guidance counselor came to my housse and said, 'We have a problem. They are picking on her, and I don't know what to do about it.' And I was so angry at my mother. She was like, 'Obvisouly something you are doing.' ... I'm so thankful for it now because it definintely gives you the empathetic view of humanity." In the April '05 issue of Teen People when asked about the best high school moment Sandra said, "Realizing that conforming didn't accomplish anything. I was so preppy-everything was monogrammed and everything had to match. It was such a stress. Being popular was so much work! Do your own thing. As long as you learn that, you'recool."

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Ryan Reynolds recounts self-conscious times in high school

Ryan Reynolds - In the Oct '05 issue of Jane, Ryan said when asked if he was fat in high school ... "I was one of those kids where all I wanted to do was gain weight--I was such a noodle. And I was extremely self-conscious about that." He also said, ".....in school, all I wanted to do was disappear, and on film, all I wanted to do was be seen. So I remember I used to buy clothes for school that would be the least distinctive and allow me to disappear."

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Message from Brittany Murphy: Love Yourself

BRITTANY MURPHY - in the September issue of Seventeen, Brittany Murphy said about Eminem's song, 'Lose Yourself,' ... "See, this song is a really important song. He says you can do anything you want to do in this life. And it's true. You can. You can make any one of your dreams come true. I have all the faith in the world in myself!" She also said ..."Being picked on for being too skinny is as detrimental to self-esteem as being picked on for being overweight. I think the most important thing is whatever you've got, be proud of it. As long as you're healthy, no matter what size you are, there's a way to be happy with who you are." In the April '05 issue of Jane, Britney said, "I grew up in an extraordinarily hardworking family, and I was always taught to believe that poor is a state of mind. Is life easier when you have more money? Yes. Does it make you happier? No. Can it take away unhealthiness? No. Happiness comes from within."

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Halle Berry thinks she's ugly.

HALLE BERRY was voted one of the world's sexiest women after her role in Bond film Die Another Day. But the Oscar-winning actress says she still doesn't see herself as a big star. "To be totally honest, most of the time I think I'm ugly," she told German magazine Journal fur die Frau. "I see myself without make-up every morning and that's why I don't have illusions any more. I certainly don't feel like a big star."

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Debra Messing on missing her prom.

DEBRA MESSING - I was not asked at all. I didn't go to my senior prom. I often danced by myself on the side." Source: Feb 21, '05 US Weekly "Growing up I was a string bean-skinny and tall-and I felt self-conscious about that. I worried about how skinny I was, the fact that I had no chest, my frizzy hair. When I started to work in television, makeup artists would point out flaws I'd never even noticed before, and it made me feel even more insecure." Source: Feb '05 Glamour

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ASHTON KUTCHER, in the June 2004 issue of In Style magazine, Ashton Kutcher is quoted as saying ".....Modeling is a performance. Your job is to make the clothes look good. You have to go out there with a confidence that you may not have. So it is a kind of acting. I'm not naturally one of those guys who's like, Look at me, I'm sexy! I never had a girlfriend until my senior year of high school."In the February 2004 issue of CosmoGirl he said ".....The only thing I really fear is failure, and I'm trying to get over that now too. Humiliation is not really a big thing on my fear list. I've been humiliated before, I've been embarrassed before -- I'm not afraid of that. The last thing I'm worried about is looking cool. I'm such a spaz anyway, looking cools is not really on my daily worries list. I'm not worried about being fooled or looking like I don't have it all together -- because I admit that I don't, and I admit that I'm not cool." When asked what it takes to find a soul mate, Ashton said, ".....The key is to find what you want in a partner and go after it. It's not about pleasing. I think when you find the right thing, in many ways, what you want out of them will be what they want to give you. Just figure out what you want, and then that person will arrive. Look inside and go, 'What do I need from a partner in life? I want somebody who makes me laugh, I want somebody who takes care of me when I’m sick …' In real life, figure out what it is that you want to give to somebody else -- and then find that person."
In the April '05 issue of Teen People Ashton said when asked if he ever went through an awkward phase, "I'm still in my awkward phase! My voice has been creaky since I was 13, and I still can't get it to stop. During my freshman year in high school, I weighted, like 103 pounds. I was the little kid in school. Then there was a period where I grew, like, six inches and put on 50 pounds in one year. I was growing so fast that I couldn't afford new pants. I was wearing unintentional high waters. And when I was a kid, my teeth were too big for my face. I think everybody feels awkward."
When the reporter mentioned that he was always getting into trouble he said, "I was really, really good for a long time, but I had a lot of stuff inside of me. Growing up, there were just a lot of dark things that I was angry about that I didn't think I could talk to anyone about. That stuff started to build up inside of me. And when you hold it in, that's when you start to get into trouble.

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